(print and mail)
YES! Sign me up!
_____ $50 family membership _____ $35 individual membership _____ $20 senior citizen membership
In addition, I would like to contribute to the Restoration Campaign.
____$25 ____$50 ____$100 _____$250 ______$500 _____ $1,000 ___________ other
____ Palisades tee shirt @ $15 each = $ _________ Child S M L Adult M L
TOTAL (Membership/Donation/Extras): _______________________
THANK YOU for your investment in our community!
Make checks payable to:
Palisades Community Center, INC
PO Box 222
Palisades, NY 10964
The Palisades Community Center, INC is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________
________ Yes, I’d like to volunteer ________ Yes, I can donate my services
YES! Sign me up!
_____ $50 family membership _____ $35 individual membership _____ $20 senior citizen membership
In addition, I would like to contribute to the Restoration Campaign.
____$25 ____$50 ____$100 _____$250 ______$500 _____ $1,000 ___________ other
____ Palisades tee shirt @ $15 each = $ _________ Child S M L Adult M L
TOTAL (Membership/Donation/Extras): _______________________
THANK YOU for your investment in our community!
Make checks payable to:
Palisades Community Center, INC
PO Box 222
Palisades, NY 10964
The Palisades Community Center, INC is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________
________ Yes, I’d like to volunteer ________ Yes, I can donate my services